In just two days we will be closing out 2015 and will be ushering in 2016. For many, this day brings an opportunity for a fresh start with resolutions and goals to pursue during the new year.
One can argue the effectiveness of these new endeavors to launch on the first, but the bigger idea is that hope is the motivator that births the desire to step confidently forward. Maybe it is making too much of the coincidence, but it is remarkable that just following the birth of our Hope, Emmanuel – God with us, a renewed confidence follows.
Mission: 300 Christmas Experience
On Christmas Eve day, we had a small party for the Mission: 300 guys at the Juvenile prison. We brought in a variety of Christmas cookies for them to enjoy. This was the first time any of them had ever celebrated Christmas or had an American style cookie. (Side note: Watching their faces discover the new tastes was a classic moment). We spent a little time explaining the event and why we celebrate. Following, we had them share what has taken place in their lives over the last eight months since being in the program. “I have a goal,” “I have a clear plan for my life,” “Confidence,” and “My life has a purpose,” were some of the comments. One comment came out towards the end and was quickly repeated by the others, “I have hope.”
Following our meeting, we asked the case worker of our guys what he had noticed about them over the last several months. “Confidence to engage in activities and school. They used to just nod and not think. Now they interact, think and provide good feedback. This is a real change,” he told us. Hope motivates this change. It steps beyond your personal problems and allows you to see beyond them. We become solution and big picture minded.
This is what happened when Jesus came from His world into ours with the intent of good will towards us. He saw something beyond our current plight. He brought value and belief into our frailty, birthing Hope. Otherwise we were just as Paul said in Ephesians 2:12, “You lived in this world without God and without hope.” Once hope came, a new kingdom could begin in the hearts of the people. This begins when we start seeing the true nature of our Father and one of his characteristics is Hope.
This year be encouraged to look fresh into 2016, not out of self-preservation, but to let the hope in your heart explode in your thoughts and ideas influencing the lives of the around you. Allow Paul’s prayer in Romans 15:13 (NLT) for this new year sink into your heart and mind, “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Have a Happy and Hopeful New Year.
More about Mission: 300 here.
Listen to more on hope in our podcast.